Will Weigler
Community-based Theatre
About Will

Much of my work in theatre involves collaborating with groups to co-create
original plays about the issues that matter to them. In some projects,
participants have a direct hand in writing and staging their scripts and then performing the work themselves.
For other projects, I take on more responsibility as playwright, interviewing community members, writing scenes and songs based on what I learn, and then sharing my drafts of the scenes and lyrics with them until they feel the play best represents their experience. These plays may be performed by the community members themselves, or by professional actors, or by a combined ensemble.
I also work as a theatre coach and consultant, helping solo performers shape
and refine their own material to create a show.
I live in British Columbia and have a doctorate in Applied Theatre from the University of Victoria.
For a fuller look at my writing and projects,
please click HERE to see my CV